architect Design

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

CAD is a technology which is used in the computer to design a product and is also used to store the documents related to that particular design. It is used to provide detailed description in a graph form. These designs thus are of utmost importance for any business and its security is of prime concern. Any information which is relevant to the company and helps in providing a competitive edge needs to be protected. Failure to safeguard critical data including CAD files, research studies, list of customers and financial details can result in taking the company to a downhill in market share and profit margins.

A CAD file can be transferred illegally or stolen in different ways and means some of which are

  • Employees who are due to leave the job can get involve in stealing the important company data.
  • The most common way to transfer or copy the information or files is through personal email accounts.
  • Some of the employees also believe themselves as part owners of these company files as the data is created by them.
  • These files are also shared with other company’s employees so it becomes really difficult to keep a track of each one of them.
  • These files are also at the risk of being copied and distributed illegally which possess a threat to the company’s foundation as well.

So now the question arises as to what should you do to protect this valuable information and reduce the chances of theft and piracy? Here are some simple solutions

  • You can begin by creating awareness among the employees about the importance of company data and also the consequences of any case of theft.
  • Employees should be educated about the fact that safeguarding this information will also means a secure environment and employment for them.
  • Make sure to share only relevant data to other companies which are required by them to handle a project.
  • Last but not the least is to choose the best possible security software package depending upon the level of control required, the type of CAD file used and your budget.

VCrypt Systems: The perfect security solutions to secure CAD files and information

VCrypt Systems, a technology advanced security solutions provider can help you in protecting all your valuable data. Their customized software are designed and created with the use of modern and innovative techniques. Their CAD X-Encryptor is the ultimate solution for protecting all types of CAD Application. The company offers the unique One Technology Concept which is equipped with Advanced Runtime Cryptography Virtual Machine(ARC-VM).

At VCrypt Systems, customer is the king and we make sure to ensure that the need of each and every client is personally attended to with a commitment and dedication. Get in touch today with us to understand more about our security programs which are curated and customized to serve you in the best possible way.